Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!! Let's Work Together in 2011!

We don't mean to imply the RED person is us.
It's just a nice graphic:)
It's 2011 and you are ready to use Blackboard in your course this semester. OK, even if it's not true, keep reading anyway.  Learning new technologies is kinda like riding a rollercoaster, it's more enjoyable when you're not alone.

The Center for Academic Technology would like to be your co-pilot as you engage Blackboard as a learning tool this semester.

We can't promise one-on-one support or 5 minute responses to questions.  But we can assist as you make decisions in which Blackboard tools to employ or offer web resources and research to help you make an informed decision.

In our co-pilot role, we consider ourselves mavens or 'intense gatherers of knowledge',  in the Malcolm Gladwell, Tipping Point sense.   As such, it is our pleasure to share information, best practices and lessons learned.

We are also toying with the idea of creating an online group (perhaps a wiki, an email list, Blackboard group...other ideas?) to connect instructors with one another.  With technology, it's OK to be the 'second mouse to the cheese.' An online group may allow for more faculty to take advantage of the efforts of their peers.

Please fill out  this form if you'd like to be kept abreast of the online group and receive assistance throughout the semester.  We'd love to help make this your GREATEST semester:)

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