Friday, August 26, 2011

Creating Content in Blackboard

Blackboard has streamlined the process for creating content. Pages which allow content creation will have the following tabs. This post will show the contents of each tab.

Build Content

This tab is used primarily for content YOU will provide. Creating an item or file allows you to create text items (you can also upload attachments) or simply upload a file (using the file option). This is primarily where you would post your syllabus or post other files for general consumption by students.

Be sure to categorize items efficiently, if you are going to be posting weekly readings or course notes, make a folder first, and then put the items into the folder. Try to avoid randomly placing files in Blackboard, it confuses the students and ultimately will confuse you as well.c2.jpg

Create Assessment

c3.jpgIn addition to test and surveys (ungraded tests), the Self and Peer Assessment option is available as well as SafeAssign.

The Assignment utility is where you would set up assignments which require something to be submitted or tracked.

Interactive Tools


These tools allow you to actively engage students online. If you don’t fully understand a tool, it’s probably best not to employ it in class until you do. Keep an eye out for upcoming workshops in these areas.

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